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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Jennifer C., Ottawa ON

Here is my dream:
+ that we quickly and effectively get out the news that there is a rich tradition of spiritual practice within Christianity, and then help people to discover and to practise it.  So many are seeking to grow spiritually but, as you know, do not turn to Christianity, only knowing of Buddhist practice.  We are losing people we might otherwise gain. Let’s tell people that we also meditate, do Centering Prayer, whatever, and let’s invite them to join us.  We are not only about sitting in pews and following liturgy in books!!

+ We have to get out of the old way which has led people (my grown up children for example!) to think that being a Christian or an Anglican is about coming to church on Sundays.  For many that church has to remain fixed as it “always” has been.  Good liturgy is terribly important but if most of what/ that /means is about worn out custom and past tradition, we cannot move forward.  We need people with living faith, who are then willing to move the font if it needs to be moved, use chairs if it means a labyrinth can be painted under it, whatever….

+ What I am saying means we have to ensure that the spiritual lives of our future leaders and clergy be nourished during their postulancy and that they be shown how to help others grow in theirs.

+ Look at really effective ways of being with children.  Why do we insist on programs that seem to be superficial and cute and ignore the ones that are really profound and deeply respectful of who and where children are, like the Good Shepherd Catechesis?

(Our Episcopal sisters and brothers seem to do better in this regard than we do!) I am willing to explain/promote Good Shepherd Catechesis to anyone out there who is interested!

That it be welcoming to *all.*   That neither colour, sexual preference or  any other issue be one that keeps us apart.  I understand Jesus to be One who did not let the barriers of his day get in the way.  If the first century A.D.had had the understanding of human behaviour and sexuality that we do, then possibly He would have said something about it.  We can only act faithfully as we believe Jesus would have us do — and He constantly broke down barriers.  Our religion is permeated with hospitality, the O.T. injunctions are a constant refrain.  Can we do less?

That we seek more imaginative worship spaces.   If the old model (medieval primarily) no longer works, then we must make  sensitive and well-informed change. Gothic churches like Wells Cathedral, Salisbury etc. are breath-taking but adaptations in the parish church no longer adequately express our worship.  Parishes need to look at their space and see if it meets their needs.  Many younger seekers I imagine find that worshipping in rows is not a helpful configuration.  Of course, it is hierarchical.  Perhaps that no longer fits how we think of ourselves?   Movable chairs might be more appropriate?  Possibly different kinds of worship need  a differently configured space: a morning Eucharist, a Taize type service, one involving movement like dance or a labyrinth walk etc.?

I think I have shared the heart of my dreams for the future.  Thank you for listening.

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