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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from St. Andrew’s, Cole Harbour, NS

Prayers for Visioning 2019

O God, Creator of all, we thank you for this Church of St. Andrew, the place we call our church home, where we gather to worship you and to have fellowship with one another.  It is a calm, welcoming, caring place to be, a community of love and hope.  Continue to guide us by your Holy Spirit to be flexible and open to change, accepting of everyone, and sensitive to their needs.  May we continue to grow in your love, and in love for one another through Jesus Christ our Lord.      Amen

Dear Lord, we pray for your Holy Spirit to inspire the hearts of our young people, who are our future.  Guide us in helping them to become all that is your will for them to be.  Grant us the inspiration to be creative in worship, intelligent with programs, and give us wisdom in dealing with each other so that we may be drawn closer in fellowship with you, our Saviour.      Amen

Almighty God, as your church goes forth into the future, may we know your will and purpose for us.  May your church be truly alive in your Holy Spirit with a true and full love of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  May we walk together on our journey with love, compassion and acceptance of all. Grant us understanding of each other and respect for the opinions of all.  May we go forth to make decisions with open-mindedness and love, guided by you.  May the worship we offer you always be filled with reverence, life and joy so that each heart, young, old, and in between, will be filled to overflowing with love of you.  Then may we take that love out into our world working towards bringing others to you.  This we ask in Jesus’ precious name.     Amen

God, there are so many concerns weighing heavy on our hearts that we now lay at your feet.  Concerns for where our church is going, changes in liturgy, our young people, acceptance and inclusiveness of all, division, money, decision making, outreach, communion practices, and so much more.  But Lord, help us not to forget how many times you have blessed our lives, walked with us, and carried us through.  We thank you Lord, with grateful hearts, for all that you have done, do, and will continue to do for us into the future.  We praise you for your mercy, grace and love.  Thank you for being with us as we work through all our concerns and issues in order to grow in our Christianity.  Help us to remember that nothing is impossible with you in our hearts, minds and souls.  Thank you Heavenly Father for granting us your grace, picking us up and forgiving us when we fall and for sending us forth with your blessing, strengthened by your love.     Amen

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