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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Messages from the Diocese of W. Newfoundland

Message from Parish of Pasadena/Cormack, Newfoundland

Friday, September 11th, 2009

We ask all congregation members to place on a piece of paper what their dreams were for the church.  Then we compiled them and joined them all together.  Here is the outcome.

We pray that by 2019, our church will be living out its mission to care for the most vulnerable in the world, that all will be welcomed and affirmed in our midst and that our energies will not be spent on arguing amongst ourselves but on caring for one another.  That those who seek the sacraments of our church will receive them from willing hearts, gay or straight, whether they attend church all the time or not, in other words without condition.   That the church will evolve into…”one that is open to change..accepting all who believe …recognizing that not all of us are alike….youth do have spiritual needs….we need to be open!  May each of us will use our gifts to enable Parish of Pasadena/Cormack to grow spiritually and mentally.  We pray that as a Parish consisting of two congregations that we do more things together as a Parish.  We pray that our Mission to have youth more involved within the church becomes a reality. We pray that our youth will find their way to love the church and have faith in God.   That all people are respected and their different views are acknowledged.

Message from Cynthia H., Pasadena NL

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Where is your Church now and Where do you want the Anglican church to be in 2019;

At the parish level, our Church is in a good place with new young families participating in the life of the Church, bringing with them energy and excitement.  We are trying to focus outward  instead of inward.  Both these realities indicate health.  Nationally, I think we are struggling to carry out our ministry in the face of too many internal struggles.

My prayer for the Anglican Church in 2019 would be that we are no longer spending our time and energy on these internal struggles but that we would recognize that we have a call to extend our energy for the healing of the world.  However, we cannot advocate for justice while maintaining unjust structures in our own Church.  In those areas where bureaucracy impedes ministry, I pray that we would change, dismantle, or streamline those structures so that we encourage and enable our clergy and lay people to minister to one another.  In a world where ‘church’ and ‘faith’ and the issues that occupy them are foreign to so many people, we need to exercise a servant ministry – one in which people will see us as a desirable place to be but one where there are not so many barriers that they are discouraged from being a part of us from the start.

It is more than time for us to recognize that God is calling us to take a leap of faith and accept gay and lesbian people as full members of our Church, with the right to receiving a blessing or with the right to be married in the Church if they desire, but also with the right to be ordained as deacon, priest or bishop.

If we allow ourselves to be held hostage by concerns that in the interim the number of people in our worshiping community may drop or our revenues may be down, then we are not being faithful to the gospel which tells us that faith is costly.  We have to be prepared for the fact that being faithful as we interpret it will not come without difficulty.

My hope is that when we say ‘mission’ or ‘Millennium Development Goals’, we will not be met with a look of bewilderment but instead will be met with understanding and with so many suggestions about what we should/could be doing to meet them that we won’t know which to tackle first, that every Anglican would know about the ministry we exercise through PWRDF and the integrity of the work that is accomplished through it, would understand just how privileged we are to be a part of that ministry and would open their hearts and wallets/purses accordingly.

Message from Marjorie J., Pasadena NL

Friday, June 19th, 2009

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