General Synod 2001
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Resolution A001

Approval of minutes

This resolution was carried.

moved by: The Rev. Rodney Andrews
seconded by: Archdeacon J. Boyles

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.

That the minutes of the 35th Session of the General Synod, held in Montreal, Quebec, May 21-29, 1998, as printed in the Journal and as approved by the Certification of Minutes Committee, be adopted subject to the insertion of the words "in positions not requiring ordination" in the first line of paragraph numbered 6 on page 104.


The amendment to delete those words (page 58) was declared carried on a show of hands but a count was requested and it was in fact defeated. The draft minutes showed it as carried and thus the words were omitted when the motion was copied on page 104. When the error on page 58 was corrected, the words were not reinstated on page 104.

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