Comments on: Larry K., Drumheller, AB Vision 2019 is a church-wide exercise to discern, dream, and decide where we think God wants the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019. Your voice is needed! The results will be shared at our next national meeting, General Synod 2010. Sat, 07 Aug 2010 20:56:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Rev'd Larry Keddie, Drumheller, AB The Rev'd Larry Keddie, Drumheller, AB Tue, 11 Aug 2009 02:00:29 +0000 Let me clarify what I was saying concerning homosexuality and that Diocese. I do not, I believe, that we accept sin and bless it. My point was that there was a clear discrimination and intolerance of that Diocese. How can we expect that people would want to become a part of a Church that discriminates or is intolerant of others? Mr. Winell and I will have to disagree about the issue of homosexuality. I think he should speak to these people and listen with an open mind. If you go with any kind of preconceived notions, than it would be impossible to hear what is being said. We have much to learn from our brothers and sisters who are lesbian, gay, transgendered, or bisexual. Let me clarify what I was saying concerning homosexuality and that Diocese. I do not, I believe, that we accept sin and bless it. My point was that there was a clear discrimination and intolerance of that Diocese. How can we expect that people would want to become a part of a Church that discriminates or is intolerant of others? Mr. Winell and I will have to disagree about the issue of homosexuality. I think he should speak to these people and listen with an open mind. If you go with any kind of preconceived notions, than it would be impossible to hear what is being said. We have much to learn from our brothers and sisters who are lesbian, gay, transgendered, or bisexual.

By: Frank Wirrell Frank Wirrell Sun, 12 Jul 2009 22:47:01 +0000 The vision presented by Larry K. appears to be admirable but the one major flaw seems to be his suggestion that we should accept sin and bless it. That conclusion is from his allegation that a diocese in Canada will not accept homosexuals. The truth is as a society we have bought into the suggestion that refusal to accept homosexual activity is discrimination. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is not a shred of scientific evidence to prove that persons are born homosexuals. The real agenda for the church is to welcome sinners - we are all subject to sin by reason of our old nature and are tempted according to our weaknesses of which Satan is clearly aware - but in welcoming each other we are indeed called to repentance. Without a commitment to bring persons to Christ, the Church ceases to be a church and becomes nothing more than a social club. It is long since past the time when our Primate and the House of Bishops should show leadership and bring the church back to its roots. The vision presented by Larry K. appears to be admirable but the one major flaw seems to be his suggestion that we should accept sin and bless it. That conclusion is from his allegation that a diocese in Canada will not accept homosexuals. The truth is as a society we have bought into the suggestion that refusal to accept homosexual activity is discrimination. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is not a shred of scientific evidence to prove that persons are born homosexuals. The real agenda for the church is to welcome sinners – we are all subject to sin by reason of our old nature and are tempted according to our weaknesses of which Satan is clearly aware – but in welcoming each other we are indeed called to repentance. Without a commitment to bring persons to Christ, the Church ceases to be a church and becomes nothing more than a social club. It is long since past the time when our Primate and the House of Bishops should show leadership and bring the church back to its roots.
