Comments on: Cathy H., Brandon MB Vision 2019 is a church-wide exercise to discern, dream, and decide where we think God wants the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019. Your voice is needed! The results will be shared at our next national meeting, General Synod 2010. Sat, 07 Aug 2010 20:56:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill; Pitt Meadows, BC Bill; Pitt Meadows, BC Tue, 22 Sep 2009 04:20:12 +0000 Keep your faith before you Cathy. In the past two years our Sunday school initiative has brought many young families into our church. The energy of those who lead this ministry is God given and the fruits of the ministry are wonderful. Because something is as it is does not mean that it cannot change. In our case, one heart was touched and called into service and more followed. Although we are a small congregation, it seems that every couple of weeks a new mom or dad or couple shows up with little ones. I agree with you that getting the basics of our faith in order is important, but fear that what many believe are the basics are not. As wonderful as the creeds are, they were written hundreds of years after our Lord was crucified and do not seem to speak to the saving grace of his words or actions in the world. Liturgies and hymns and orders of service are the ways that each generation seeks to express that which no man or woman can adequately express. The beauty of our calling is that we do not cease from continualy trying to find new and more meaningful ways to express to others what the Spirit has seeded in our hearts. Keep your faith before you Cathy. In the past two years our Sunday school initiative has brought many young families into our church. The energy of those who lead this ministry is God given and the fruits of the ministry are wonderful. Because something is as it is does not mean that it cannot change. In our case, one heart was touched and called into service and more followed. Although we are a small congregation, it seems that every couple of weeks a new mom or dad or couple shows up with little ones.
I agree with you that getting the basics of our faith in order is important, but fear that what many believe are the basics are not. As wonderful as the creeds are, they were written hundreds of years after our Lord was crucified and do not seem to speak to the saving grace of his words or actions in the world.
Liturgies and hymns and orders of service are the ways that each generation seeks to express that which no man or woman can adequately express. The beauty of our calling is that we do not cease from continualy trying to find new and more meaningful ways to express to others what the Spirit has seeded in our hearts.

By: James Brown James Brown Sat, 19 Sep 2009 13:20:48 +0000 Cathy H. You have expressed sentiments quitely held by Anglicans during these times of unrest and challenges to the faith held,my thanks for this articulation. Cathy H. You have expressed sentiments quitely held by Anglicans during these times of unrest and challenges to the faith held,my thanks for this articulation.

By: Brian-TO Brian-TO Fri, 18 Sep 2009 22:38:59 +0000 I'd like to see preachers frequently refer to the saving grace of Christ, beginning with references that note that not everybody that attends worship is a Christian. Some are lost and need to be saved. They attend worship services. They need to repent and trust in Jesus CHrist as Lord and Saviour. That is evangelism, the first of the five marks of mission. I’d like to see preachers frequently refer to the saving grace of Christ, beginning with references that note that not everybody that attends worship is a Christian. Some are lost and need to be saved. They attend worship services. They need to repent and trust in Jesus CHrist as Lord and Saviour. That is evangelism, the first of the five marks of mission.
