DATE: July 21, 1998
MEMO TO: Information Resources Committee
FROM: Jim Boyles, General Secretary
RE: Comments from Forums at General Synod
The following comments were recorded on newsprint and relat to the work of your committee:
Information to Serve Your Needs
* develop a data bank of resource people both diocesan and national
* Privacy concerns (legislation)
* The dioceses have a responsibility to communicate their needs to the national office
Website Development
* define the audience
* make it attractive
* get it
* both ABC , other services
* services to members (issues of privacy)
* evangelism (possibily ecumenical)
* help to design (own) policies for (own), how to use (national), how to find things. (national) and other websites
Anglican Journal Editorial Balance
* an "Anglican" house organ; open to criticism but dedicated to strengthening the church
* should be reporting news, not making it
* a need for balance between editorial independence and the need to notify the church of the work of the church
* there seems to be an assumption of an adversarial approach - the Journal needs to be something that can build the church
Called to Full Communion with Lutherans
* local congregations must be made aware of what is happening through education (sermons, newsletters, guest speakers, etc.)
* How do we publicize the processand provide effective information resources?
* How do we publicize what is already happening?
* study guide use among Ang/ELCIC congretagions to be encouraged - disseminate publications to each other (diocesan papers, advertize in each, summer camps)
* joint pastoral letters and statements
Canadian Council of Churches
* use church papers (i.e the Journal) to put its ideas and policies to the congregations and individuals