July 21, 1998

DATE: July 21, 1998

MEMO TO: Financial Management and Development Committee

FROM: Jim Boyles, General Secretary

RE: Comments from Forums at General Synod


The following comments were recorded on newsprint and relate to the work of your committee:

Planned Giving

* multicultural differences which affect motivation for planned gifts

* national association (affinity) life insurance for planned gift

* festival days to publicize planned giving

* articulate options for people - ask for gifts

* education about current financial obligation

* sensitivity about asking

* a spiritual problem not a financial problem

* need to bring it to congregation regularly - consistently

* need to hear good news stories

* say thank you (heritage club)

* more consultants

* better feedback - simpler communications

* theological division - stewardship for future vs deal with today - God provides for tomorrow

* planned giving is for the living - has living benefits - you don't have to die to win

Three Year Planning

* Steps to get there

* definitely possible - goal much more than survival - vision absolutely necessary - money planning as part of our ministry

* pray

* communicate the vision - on-going

* active participation

* Barriers

* Substantial changes en route i.e. legislation

* anticipating/revenue realistically (increasing possibilities limited?)

* (fear of) losing the vision

* How to overcome

* anticipate as much as possible with flexibility, on-going communication, education accountability - goals re-evaluate

* build on strengths of evangelism, stewardship

* positive attitude - pro-active learning opportunities

The Church in the North and the Church in the South

* Ministry to one another over: finances

* The North can teach the South about transparency in relationships (e.g. common standards in stipends and reporting).

The Church in the North and Self-Sufficiency

* Reduction of funding to all Council Dioceses by 21%

* In some dioceses vigorous stewardship education has proven effective

* Non-stipendiaries

* Conversion to the Church is important:

Increased sense of ownership

willingness to explore alternative models of ministry

Making Moral Economic Decisions

* Moral economic decisions begin with personal commitment to the personal decisions we can control.

* Equip church people to be a moral conscience in their workplace

Jubilee - A Celebration of Hope

* The Church could/should make expectations and be prophetic in our relationships and demands of national and international financial organizations.

Debt Cancellation

* We agree with the campaign but believe it will be a "hard go" and "hard sell" in one parishes and in the context of our society because of attitudes, fear, and enormity of the issues and amounts of $, understanding of the other's reality, locus of power.

* Forgiveness is an act of self interest because of our interconnectedness with the situations of others.

* Need for concrete resources - people, paper, and experience.

* We continue to believe the experience people from elsewhere visiting, living in our communities and speaking of their reality helps - as well as exposure visits - and people's support to cooperatives is of assistance in understanding.

* Need to move from an economy the "bottom line" to a full sense of [omicron][iota][kappa][omicron][nu][omicron]µ[iota][alpha].

* Need a good theological reflection on the meaning of Jubilee - bible study material

* Practical ways to practice Jubilee - 1st question, `what do we let go of?'

* Importance of Sabbath renewed

* Maintain arm lengths with government agencies

* How would debt forgiveness work at all levels?

* Balance of debt forgiveness and human rights

* Means of accountability with debt forgiveness

* Tie debt forgiveness to restorative justice

* Willing to find ways to take a prophetic voice locally in specific ways

* Dioceses finding ways of `letting go'

* Jubilee service to heal brokenness, starting with ourselves and process

* Recognition of forgiveness

* Being in partnership with those in debt / in prison