Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples

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Anglican Indigenous Sacred Circle - 2000
Photo Album


David Watts during the social event - fashion show

David Watts and Ellie Johnson in conversation

A view of the beautiful grounds of the Port Elgin CAW Conference Centre

A walkway on the beautiful grounds of the Port Elgin CAW Conference Centre

Larry Beardy, of Split Lake, Man. and Moses Angees, of Wunnamin Lake, Ont

The fish pond on the CAW grounds with two participants in conversation

Ann Keating (non-indigenous partner, Diocese of Toronto) and Solomon Beardy during the bus tour of the Bruce Peninsula and the Nawash Nation/Reserve

Brian Pearson (non-indigenous partner, Calgary) and Andrew Atagotaluk entertaining the troops during an evening social time

Morris Fiddler, David Watts, Andrew Atagotaluk, Leona Perry

Talking Circle #8 - group photo

The Primate, David Watts and Mildred Michell, who was the oldest circle participant. (she died in october)

Barry Bear & the Primate dressed in his west-coast native cope and mitre at the start of the closing Eucharist

The Primate greeting Freda Bear of the Peguis Reserve in northern Manitoba


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Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2