Office of the Primate

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Letter to the Board of Directors of the Anglican Foundation on the appointment of Canon Gordon Baker as Acting Executive Director

August 22, 2005

Dear Board Member,

The death of Canon John Erb leaves an enormous hole in the life and leadership of the Anglican Foundation. At our next Board meeting we will consider both the mandate for a new Executive Director, and the selection process leading to a new appointment.

In the interim, I have invited Canon Gordon Baker to accept a part time appointment as Acting Executive Director, subject to confirmation by the Board at its next meeting. Gordon will normally be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will assure that applications will continue to be processed. It will also allow Gordon, in consultation with staff and Board members to review terms of reference from a Director to be presented to us, along with a proposal from the selection process.

I trust that this interim measure will have your support.

Yours faithfully,

The Most Rev. Andrew S. Hutchison


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last modified: August 22, 2005
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80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2