Primate urges Prime Minister to apologize for residential schools
Letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper from Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.
National Roundtable on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Sector in Developing Countries – Toronto, Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Presentation by Archbishop Hutchison and Backgrounder.
Once again the peoples of the world are compelled to witness violence, hatred and pain in Israel and Lebanon. This is by no means a new phenomena and even the psalmist centuries before the birth of Christ called upon his community to, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."
posted on July 19, 2006
Celebrating Five Years in Full Communion (PDF file)
Canadian Anglicans and Lutherans are invited by church leaders to designate Sunday, Nov. 12 as a day on which to celebrate five years of full communion between the two churches. The Waterloo Declaration, which brought the two churches to full communion, was signed at a joint meeting of the two churches' national bodies in 2001. Lutherans and Anglicans are scheduled to meet again during next year's General Synod in Winnipeg.
Church leaders appeal to Harper to launch initiatives on HIV/AIDS
Twenty Canadian church leaders including Anglican Primate Archbishop Andrew Hutchison have appealed to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to promptly announce six new initiatives in the fight against HIV/AIDS.posted on May 10, 2006
Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper - Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
posted on April 11, 2006
Letter to Prime Minister Stephan Harper
From the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the United Church of Canada, and the Christian Reformed Church in North America on affordable housing. (PDF file)
posted on March 30, 2006
FEDERAL ELECTION: What do we value?
Letter from Archbishop Hutchison, Bishop Colin R. Johnson of Diocese of Toronto, and Bishop Michael Pryse, of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
posted on December 9, 2005
A letter to the church from the Primate on Residential Schools
posted on November 23, 2005
Primate responds to President of Iran
posted on November 1, 2005
Letter to the Diocese of Louisiana and six other dioceses from Archbishop Hutchison and Cheryl Curtis, executive director of The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund in response to hurricane Katrina
Similar letters were sent to the diocseses of Western Louisiana,
Western Tennessee and
Central Gulf Coast.
posted on August 31, 2005
posted on August 22, 2005
posted on June 30, 2005
A message from the Primate on the recent floods in Alberta
posted on June 27, 2005
A statement by Anglican Primate Archbishop Andrew Hutchison on the
death of Greek Orthodox Archbishop Iakovos
posted on April 12, 2005
A Message from the Primate on the retirement of Jim Boyles
posted on March 22, 2005
An Easter message from the Primate
posted on March 21, 2005
A statement by the Most Rev. Andrew S. Hutchison
Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada
Now that several days have passed since the end of the Primates’ Meeting in Belfast and the issuance of a communiqué that has received wide publicity, I thought that Canadian Anglicans might want to hear a bit more about the meeting, about the decisions that were made and about what those decisions will mean for the Canadian church in both the short and the long term. Where, in short, do we now find ourselves and where do we go from here?
posted on March 7, 2005
A Statement from the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada
During the past week the Primates of the Anglican Communion have been meeting at the Dromantine Retreat Centre in Northern Ireland. Together we have prayed, studied and listened to one another and to the Holy Spirit as we went about our work. The task before us was to seek a way forward in spite of the differences that exist concerning the subject of homosexuality.
posted on February 24, 2005
Primate Encourages Response
A Pastoral Message to the Anglican Church of Canada on the Tsunami in South East Asia.
Posted on January 6, 2005
A Pastoral Letter from the Primate (Disponible en français)
At its last meeting, the House of Bishops asked Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, the Primate to write a letter to the church introducing the Windsor Report on unity in the Anglican Communion and soliciting responses to it.
Posted on December 1, 2004
Statement from the Most Rev. Andrew Hutchison on the report of the Lambeth Commission on Communion
posted on Oct. 18, 2004