A136-R2: National Aboriginal Day of Prayer (carried)
Download resolution A136 R2
Subject: National Aboriginal Day of Prayer
Moved by: The Right Reverend Gregory Kerr-Wilson, Diocese of Qu’Appelle
Seconded by: The Venerable Sidney Black, Diocese of Calgary
Be it resolved that this General Synod:
- establish the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer on the 21 June in the Calendar of the Anglican Church of Canada enrolled under the heading of Commemoration, and to be celebrated on June 21st or the nearest convenient Sunday;
- authorize the Propers for the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer to be as follows:
Collect of the Day
Creator God, from you every family in heaven and earth takes its name.
You have rooted and grounded us in your covenant love,
and empowered us by your Spirit to speak the truth in love,
and to walk in your way towards justice and wholeness.
Mercifully grant that your people, journeying together in partnership,
may be strengthened and guided to help one another to grow into the full stature of Christ, who is our light and our life. Amen
Suggested Readings
Isaiah 40:25-31; Psalm 19; Philippians 4:4-9; John 1:1-18
Other suitable readings may be appointed.
Prayer over the Gifts
Creator, you bless us with many good gifts returned to you from your creation.
Feed us with the Bread of Life, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Preface for Weekdays
Prayer after Communion
Great Creator, you have fed us with bread from heaven.
Continue to renew us in your truth, to give light to our minds
strength to our bodies, and seal us with your Holy Spirit.
We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen.
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1
Dieu créateur, de qui toute famille au ciel et sur terre tient son nom.
Tu nous as enracinés et rattachés à la terre dans une alliance d’amour, et tu nous as donné, par ton Esprit la force de proclamer ce qui est vrai, avec amour,
et de cheminer avec justice et constance.
Dans ta bonté, accorde à ton peuple de poursuivre son pèlerinage dans l’unité;
rends-le plus fort et guide-le afin que chacun aide l’autre dans l’atteinte
de la pleine stature du Christ, notre lumière et notre vie. Amen.
Is. 40:25-31; Psaume 19; Phil. 4:4-9; Jean 1:1-18
Dieu créateur, tu nous a comblés de toutes ces bonnes choses qui viennent de la terre.
Reçois maintenant ces dons, fruits de ta création, que nous t’offrons, et nourris-nous
du Pain de Vie, ton Fils Jésus Christ, notre Seigneur. Amen.
Preface des jours de semaine
Créateur de l’univers, tu nous as permis de partager cette nourriture céleste.
Sans cesse, renouvelle en nous ta vérité,
éclaire nos esprits de ta lumière, donne force à nos corps, et marque-nous du sceau de ton Esprit Saint. Nous te le demandons au nom du Christ. Amen.
Les cieux racontent la gloire de Dieu, le firmament proclame l’oeuvre de ses mains. Psaume 19:1
Source: Faith, Worship and Ministry
Submitted by: Janet Marshall, Chair of Faith, Worship and Ministry
Does this motion contain within it any financial implications? Yes x translation No __
If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications? Yes __ No __
In 1971 the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada declared June 21 as a “National Indian Day of Prayer” and requested all dioceses to commend this day to parishes and congregations throughout Canada. In 1995, participants of the Sacred Assembly in Hull, Quebec – a national meeting of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people – revived an earlier campaign to observe June 21 as a national day to recognize the contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canada. The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, falls on June 21. For generations, this was a sacred day for many Aboriginal people on which they celebrated their culture and heritage. On June 13, 1996, Governor General Romeo Leblanc declared June 21 National Aboriginal Day.
In Winnipeg in 1994, representatives of the Indigenous people gathered and made a Covenant to build a truly Anglican Indigenous Church in Canada, claiming their place and responsibility “as equal partners in a new shared journey of healing, moving towards wholeness and justice.”
In July of 2001, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada commended for study and implementation the working document A New Agape: A Plan of Anglican Work in Support of a New Partnership between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Anglicans. This plan expresses the commitment of the Anglican Church of Canada to a new relationship with the Indigenous (or Aboriginal) Peoples of Canada based on a partnership which focuses on the cultural, spiritual, social, and economic independence of Indigenous communities.
From the mid-1990s on, FWM and ACIP have worked together to produce worship resources for the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer. This has become a truly Anglican Church of Canada wide celebration. The Council of General Synod of May 2009 authorized for trial use and evaluation the Propers here attached, with the intention of bringing these to the General Synod along with the motion to include the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer in the Calendar of the Book of Alternative Services. Doing so under the heading of “Other Major Feasts That Take Precedence of a Sunday” reflects the high place of this day as it is already being marked across the Anglican Church of Canada as well as our commitment to its future celebration.