General Synod 2010

#006 GS2010: Communications and Information Resources Committee

Download report #006 GS2010

March, 2010

The Communications and Information Resources Committee continued in its major focus on supporting the work of the department, its director and staff, through the triennium 2007-2010. For our first meeting, Bev Murphy and Lisa Barry planned and facilitated the first of a number of effective learning opportunities for committee members, this one focusing on the variety of work and resources represented in the department. An unexpected result of that exercise was the Amazing Grace Project, an initiative that highlighted the visible unity of our church, brought people together in a spirit of joy and participation, and raised significant financial resources for the Council of the North. The success of the Amazing Grace Project involved all of the staff and committee members in one way or another, but Anglican Video played a major role, along with the website

As in the previous triennium, we met jointly with the Anglican Journal Board on one occasion, a practice that we hope to continue in the coming triennium, given its value to both groups.

We were also delighted at the Primate’s appointment to the Communications and Information Resources Committee of Trina Gallop, Director of Communications and Stewardship for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, our full communion partners. Staff from the Communications and Information Resources Department assisted in communications during the ELCIC’s 2009 national Convention, and ELCIC staff are assisting in the same way at General Synod 2010.

The second major initiative of the department was Vision 2019, including a major initiative in gathering people’s hopes and dreams for our church — “Tell us Your Story”. Vision 2019 simply would not have come together without the hard work of staff members in Communications and Information Resources.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and a number of initiatives associated with it, have made significant demands on our Archives. Those demands are likely to continue over the coming years, as our record of the residential schools provides a critical resource for those engaged in seeking reconciliation.

Communications and Information Resources experienced staff cuts again in this triennium. Recognizing that resources for General Synod work are limited, we do ask General Synod to note the demands on the department which are contained in the Vision 2019 report, especially in the development of our internet presence.

The smaller committee we proposed and General Synod 2007 accepted has had mixed results. For whatever reason, attendance at meetings during this triennium has been particularly spotty, and fewer participants from an already-smaller committee has made for meetings with a very few committee members at times.

We have reviewed our terms of reference and are suggesting no changes.

Finally, on a personal note, it has been with great pleasure that I have served as chair of this committee for the past six years. Committee members, staff, and visitors have made it a time of learning and growth, as well as of accomplishment and celebration. I am particularly grateful to Sam Carriere, Director, for his work and friendship over those years.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Thompson


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