Tips on making a video
from Anglican Video
Thank you so much for participating in the Amazing Grace project. We’re delighted that you and your group are going to make an Amazing Grace video. Here are some helpful hints to make your video a great success.
- There’s no need to hire a professional. Try to find someone in your parish or group who has a camera. Any format is acceptable to us.
- Arrange your group to meet in a place large enough to gather. Preferably it will be a place with lots of light. A church or church hall is great. Outdoors is even better.
- Make sure your group sits or stands very close together for the shot. Everybody squish in!
- Place the camera on a tripod or table far enough away so that you can see everybody in the shot, but not so far that the group is a tiny dot on the horizon.
- Plan to shoot the video twice. Once will be a group shot. The next you can shoot some close-ups. We at Anglican Video will edit the pieces. Or you can edit if you know how.
- Make sure the camera microphone is on so we can hear people singing Amazing Grace. Try to get your parish or group to identify where you are.
The most important tip of all is to have fun, be creative, and “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”