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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Barbara H., Campbell River BC

Vision 2019

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of Vision 2019 and to be part of this   church in this beautiful country of Canada!

I have dreams, hopes and prayers, and questions for the Anglican Church of Canada for Vision 2019.

My prayer is one of spiritual renewal, as a “fresh wind” for all involved in the church and that this will bring a new spiritual direction to those inside and outside our church, one with life, energy for service, and evangelism with a love of Christ.

I also pray that there will be peace within the Anglican Church, locally, nationally and globally, with a focus on scripture, the stories of the Bible, and the teachings of the Gospels.  Since many people across Canada have not had the opportunity to hear God’s word, this is the first mission field.

My question is: where have all the young families with babies, children, and youth gone? What do we need to consider in order to attract them?

It is time we put aside divisive discussions as that has contributed to the spiralling loss of numbers within our church,  that there will be healing within our church, and that we will work together cooperatively.  Let us seek new ways to provide programs of life expanding ministry to all, especially young family ministry, in a multigenerational setting, that welcomes all into the one body.  We are family and need each other “from generation to generation!”

My hope is that music and worship will be more appealing to young families – more joyful, more praiseful, more engaging and that those who remain in the church will be discerning and encourage change that is youthfully appealing.  Use Memorable Music, that touches the heart and keeps you singing throughout the rest of the day, be it traditional, Taize, ancient, gospel, praise, contemporary, or whatever genre.  Encourage young people to be involved and lead in music ministry, if they are available and have gifts in this area.

On a regional and regular basis share best practices with others, music that will enhance our liturgy, share different music settings, and offer workshops in music and worship.

Let us explore and consider the rapidly evolving forms of all media and technology that are embracing the world, and that we will take the opportunity to be involved in this area.  This is a new mission field and teaching/learning community.  This is an area where the young excel and we can make connections with them again on a spiritual-technological basis.  The secular world has certainly grabbed their attention in this area, so why not us?

Let us consider who could and should be with us… again the young people, those who have a spiritual thirst, but don’t know where to turn, and those who are lost or have lost hope in life. The lonely… The homeless…Those of poverty… etc.  Let us go to them, welcoming and serving them, one by one, while making our church and worship understandable, appealing, and meaningful to them.  Let us assist those who seek justice for the downtrodden and those who are stewards of the world and creation.  As part of God’s family let us tell the “Good News.”   Advertise that we are a welcoming, and caring place to be!

God bless us as we deal with the knowledge we have obtained from this visioning process, and as we discern new and engaging directions for the Anglican Church of Canada!

Barbara H

Campbell River, BC

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