Resolution Number: A-81

Subject: Committee Terms of Reference (Appendix B of the Handbook)

Moved By: (Name) Hon. Ron Stevenson from the Diocese of Fredericton

Seconded By: (Name) Archdeacon Jim Boyles, General Secretary

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.



That the Terms of Reference as attached, and as approved by the Council of General Synod, be confirmed.









Section 41 l) of the Constitution provides for the Terms of Reference of General Synod Committees to be approved by the Council of General Synod, and confirmed by General Synod.

These Terms have been developed by the committees, approved by the Council and, if confirmed, will be printed in Appendix B of the Handbook.












Source: Council of General Synod

Submitted by: General Secretary