The General Synod Times

Lift Every Voice - Faisons entendre nos voix

January 1998

Poutine Anyone ?!

In his January ‘98 letter to General Synod members, Brian Hammond, Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee, whet’s our appetite for Montréal..... "What will you have, ‘poutine’ or smoked meat? Our many restaurants offer a varied cuisine to satisfy all culinary tastes." So what is poutine, you ask. To answer the myriad of questions, the response came from the Montréal Pool Room, famous for its "steamies" (hot dogs) and french fries. (See below)

Poutine Recipe

1 Portion of very greasy french fries

Cover with white cheese curds

Smother with rich, brown gravy

(hot chicken sauce is O.K.)

Salt & Pepper

Lots of Napkins!

Only in Quebec, you say. Pity!

GS Travel

In their January mailing, GS members will be receiving information about booking travel plans to Montréal. Our central travel agent, UNIGLOBE Vector Travel, is ready and able to make this task a very easy one. Members can call UNIGLOBE Vector Travel toll free at: 1-800-461-9753. You can also e-mail UNIGLOBE at: [email protected] Any UNIGLOBE agent that answers the phone will be well aware of General Synod and will be able to serve you. Whether you are planning to travel by air or rail, we strongly urge you to use the central agent when booking your travel plans.


Sessional Committees

At each General Synod a number of committees are struck to help with the "processes" of GS. These committees include: Nominations, Resolutions, Expenditures and Organization. Committee members are drawn from the list of GS delegates. Recruiting will take place in early January. If you are asked to serve on a committee, you will be requested to arrive in Montréal a day before Synod begins.


Bible Study

Each morning at GS will begin in plenary with worship and Bible reflection. The process and themes being developed will truly help us to "lift every voice."The model of Bible study being proposed involves reading of the passage and opportunity for each person in the table group to identify the meaning it suggests to them. A leader offers some background, the passage is read once more, and members are again asked to suggest the response of faith which the passage evokes.






Brian K. Hammond is the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee. Brian was born and raised an Anglican in Montréal’s Rosemount district. He is a member of St. Michael & All Angels parish, in Pierrefonds, where he has served as Choir Director and Rector’s Warden. Brian has an extensive and distinguished record of service in the Diocese of Montréal - member of Diocesan Council, logistics coordinator for the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1985, and travelling companion to Ugandan Bishop Festo Kivengere during a mission in the Diocese in 1978. When he isn’t working on GS planning, Brian works for the Business Development Bank of Canada as the Director, Risk Management & Insurance. Brian is married to Pat, an administrative assistant at the Diocesan Theological College in Montréal. They have two sons and one granddaughter. Rumour has it that Brian is interested in pursuing an acting career.


GS Handbook

The Handbook of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada contains our Declaration of Principles, Constitution, Rules of Order and Procedure, Canons and other important bits of information. Its 11th Edition (most current) was published in 1996. There will be many occasions when GS Members will need to refer to their Handbook at General Synod, so please make sure to bring your copy to Montréal with you. (Please contact your Diocesan Office if you are a GS Member and have not received your Handbook.)


Coming Soon to a Computer Near You!

News and information about General Synod will soon be available in exciting new formats. We will be creating an electronic mailing list. The list will be "open" to all subscribers. We are also developing a website where visitors will find a wealth of information about Synod, Montréal, etc. Downloadable files will include reports and other useful background information. The next issue of the General Synod Times will include instructions on how to subscribe.


Air Canada is doing away with tickets. Instead, they’re introducing the E-Ticket (otherwise known as Electronic Ticketing.) E-ticket is a service that creates an electronic ticket - with all the information that used to be printed on a paper ticket - and stores it in a computer database. On your day of travel, simply present yourself (with a piece of photo I.D.) at any Air Canada Ticket Counter, Check-in Counter or departure gate to receive your Boarding Pass. Please speak with a UNIGLOBE Vector Travel Agent if you have any questions about E-tickets.



How to Reach Us

Jim Boyles,

General Secretary

Phone: (416) 924-9199 ext. 280

Fax: (416) 924-0211

e-mail: [email protected]

Jamie Tomlinson,

Coordinator, General Synod 1998

Phone: (416) 924-9199 ext. 743

Fax: (416) 924-0211

Jamie’s Ottawa office:

Phone: (613) 738-3131

Fax: (613) 738-0770

e-mail: [email protected]



GS Countdown Clock

Did you realize that as of January 1, 1998 there were only 140 days until General Synod ‘98! (Yikes!)